Protect GAME
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Discontinued Discontinued
PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Protect GAME is a simple PSP plugin that blocks the access to games. If the plugin is enabled, when you start a ISO or a HOMEBREW the plugin will force PSP to return to dashboard without starting the game. In this way nobody will can start a game without to know the secret key combination that allows to play games…
For this first release there is only a default key combination to allow to play games, and it is to press L + R when you start the game or the homebrew.

Note: an user asked me to create this plugin and I made it for him, only later I decided to share it with the PSP scene.



The same of all the plugins: put the .PRX and the .TXT files in SEPLUGINS folder of your Memory Stick or, easier, move the folder SEPLUGINS (contained in the package) in the root of your Memory Stick overwriting the existing one.