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PSVita DB Theme Installer
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PlayStation Vita (PSVita/PSV) JAVA Linux Microsoft Windows
360 Edition v2.1

It's a tool written in JAVA that will simplify the installation of PSVita custom themes in your app.db file. With this application infact you can install a new custom theme in your PSVita app.db file automatically. All you need to do is to pass a app.db file and your custom theme info, the program automatically will write every record in the db by itself.
In addition to string and integer params this program supports also SQL blobs, so you can give your theme even a title and an author. In this way, in your PSVita Theme Settings page there will be really no difference between an official theme and your custom theme!


Here you can find some screenshots of this app and its features (click on them to see the full size):


Please note that, even with the presence of many checks about input data, there is always the possibility that a wrong input or an unexpected error could cause a corruption in your database. So be sure to make a backup.
The developer (Red Squirrel) takes no responsability for any damages caused by an improper use of this application.


You can find detailed tutorials about how to use this program on HackInformer at the following pages: Tutorial about the 360 edition and Tutorial about the 360 edition v2.0.


360 Edition v2.1

360 Edition v2.0

360 Edition